Gevelbouw is an independent platform for the Netherlands and Flanders that has been highlighting facade construction in all its facets for almost two decades, from the perspective of the designer, the advisors as well as the executing roof and facade builder. Projects, innovative developments, trends, policy and technology, in short, everything to do with roof and facade construction is covered.
Aesthetics, functionality and sustainability are recurring themes within the platform. Naturally, the various trade fairs within the industry are also covered. With themes such as cladding in all forms, airtight construction, facade maintenance, roofing, panels, profiles, systems, BENG, surface treatments, curtain walls and green facades, we know how to inform and inspire the target group.
The specific professional information is distributed to, among others, architects, engineering firms, contractors, clients, housing corporations, sector organisations, government and semi-government institutions, facade builders, suppliers in the facade industry such as companies in coatings, roof and wall cladding, panels, glass, frames, windows and doors. But also to (construction) officials in government and semi-government institutions and related organisations.
Specific information within all facets of the industry is shared through our trade magazine, special interest magazine, online platform, social media channels and newsletters.
Gevelbouw is partly produced in cooperation with the trade associations the VMRG and the MDG in the Netherlands and the FAC in Belgium. They are responsible for its own content within the trade journal. All members and partners of these associations also receive the magazine.
News & blogs
De eerste helft van 2024 zit er weer op. Lucas de Snaijer van Orgadata blikt met een positief gevoel terug. Niet in de laatste plaats vanwege de steeds positievere feedback op de nieuwste 12-versie van Logikal. “De software helpt bedrijven in de raam-, deur- en gevelbouw efficiënter te plannen en te produceren. Elk bedrijf in […]
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