Business index
With a premium listing in our business index, you will increase your visibility and be easily found by potential customers. This page quickly reflects who you are and what you stand for. All posts you publish on our website are displayed on this page.
- Company name
- Business category
- 'About us' text of your company
- Address details main office
- Website URL
- E-mail address
- Phone number
- Company logo (hi-res)
- Visuals (products, projects, etc.)
- YouTube or Vimeo link (max. 1 video possible)
Medium Rectangle
The medium rectangle is an eye-catching square banner. This banner is displayed on the homepage of the website as well as on different pages within the website, allowing you to take full advantage of the reach of our websites.
With an animated gif, the first frame should contain the full message and information. It may happen that an e-mail programme cannot display the gif banner properly and therefore only shows the first frame.
- Upload size: 600 (w) x 500 (h) pixels;
❗Please note that the banner will eventually be displayed in the size 300 x 250 pixels. - File size: max 300 kb;
- URL to which the banner links;
- Supported file formats: animated GIF, GIF, JPG or HTML5.

Own content
Own content
During your online campaign, you may provide content. This could include press releases, product information, event announcement, etc. To post content online, we have a few guidelines.
- Text formatted in Word document including title, introduction and plain text
- Minimum of 150 words
- Hi-res visuals (submit separately, do not put them in the Word document!)
- Upon receipt, we will post the message immediately unless otherwise indicated.
- Your message will also be included in our regular newsletter
- Your message will be shared on our social media channels